Cultures For Veken Battery Company
Veken's prospect: Create a better life for oneself, Promote the life value according as excellent manufacturing ability and leading-edge designing ability, Become the advocates for better culture-life.
Veken's Core-concept: "Returns, Developments & Responsibility" of all business activities, Continuous innovation & Continuous improvement.
Veken's Culture-factors: Innovation, Particulars, Details, Execution-force & Team-work Sprint
Veken's Core-values: Quality; Speed; Up; Meticulous Management.
Veken's Quality-policy: Ensure the safety & quality, meet the needs of customers;
Continuous innovations, striving the famous brand!
Actively develop energy efficient products, the battery energy to revitalize national industry, the company built for the world-class industrial base for China in the coming global energy war is invincible and the struggle our mission.